Thursday, September 19, 2013

We Are Not Alone (Eva 01 Colors)

I like how this turned out. Let me know what you think.. Still pushing.

We Are Not Alone (Eva 01)

Eva 01 from Neon Genisis Evangelion. Inked with Copic pens and a Faber Castell brush pen.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Breaking in the new sketchbook my love got me for my bday with one of my favs...not too bad a start if you ask me.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

He's got that Killer instinct..

Our latest jam; my attempt at Fulgore from Killer Instinct. A nice chance to do something different...a robotic character.

Monday, August 26, 2013

A 'Force' to be reckoned with.

By far one of the hardest pieces I've ever worked on...but it was fun to push myself. Still wanna add color though.

My X-Force team. Elixir (heals and decays), Cable (telepath/soldier), Hope Summers (trump card), Sunspot (heat/plasma), and Psylocke (ninja/psychic).

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013

Offspring Jam

Offspring Jam

Objective: Create the offspring of two existing superheroes/comic book characters.

Xorn/ Joseph Monroe: Son of Ororo Monroe (Storm) and Joseph (Magneto clone, now deceased). Possesses the ability to manipulate electro magnetic fields including magnetism, summoning lightning, and creating e.m.p. (electro magnetic pulse)  fields and bursts.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

When health issues may be holding you back...

After some talking with my fiancé about possible physical/chemical issues that may be holding me back; I finally went to see an actual doctor for the first time in well, probably 20 years. I'm told I most likely have sleep apnea, and after dealing with some fairly extreme fatigue to the extent where I start nodding at the wheel on an almost daily basis to and from work; not to mention that any activity where I'm not moving, even when I am sometimes, I can start to nod. Anyway I had some blood work done to check for diabetes, any chemical imbalances, etc. Hopefully I can find out what my issue is and that it's not too serious...better yet how to handle the issue. Just wish me luck and hopefully I can move forward soon, the way I should, no excuses.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Less thought...more action.

Rebuilding my skills from the foundation up. I think I have some good instincts and ideas on what to do/practice...but dedicating the time and the follow through is a different story. Maybe I've been focusing too hard on what to do instead of just doing.. Any-who; this year, less thinking, more action!!!